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Optimize local images using the API.


  suffix = "_resmush",
  overwrite = FALSE,
  progress = TRUE,
  report = TRUE,
  qlty = 92,
  exif_preserve = FALSE



Path or paths to local files. reSmush can optimize the following image files:

  • png

  • jpg/jpeg

  • gif

  • bmp

  • tiff


Character, defaults to "_resmush". By default, a new file with the suffix is created in the same directory than file. (i.e., optimized example.png would be example_resmush.png). Values "", NA and NULL would be the same than overwrite = TRUE.


Logical. Should the file in file be overwritten? If TRUE suffix would be ignored.


Logical. Display a progress bar when needed.


Logical. Display a summary report of the process in the console. See also Value.


Only affects jpg files. Integer between 0 and 100 indicating the optimization level. For optimal results use vales above 90.


Logical. Should the Exif information (if any) deleted? Default is to remove it (i.e. exif_preserve = FALSE).


Writes on disk the optimized file if the API call is successful in the same directory than file.

With the option report = TRUE a summary report is displayed in the console. In all cases, a (invisible) data frame with a summary of the process used for generate the report is returned.

See also API docs.

See resmush_clean_dir() to clean a directory of previous runs.

Other functions for optimizing: resmush_dir(), resmush_url()


# \donttest{
png_file <- system.file("extimg/example.png", package = "resmush")

# For the example, copy to a temporary file
tmp_png <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

file.copy(png_file, tmp_png, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

#> ══ resmush summary ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>  Input: 1 file with size 239.9 Kb
#>  Success for 1 file: Size now is 70.7 Kb (was 239.9 Kb). Saved 169.2 Kb (70.54%).
#> See result in directory C:/Users/RUNNER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpoTQq78.

# Several paths
jpg_file <- system.file("extimg/example.jpg", package = "resmush")
tmp_jpg <- tempfile(fileext = ".jpg")

file.copy(jpg_file, tmp_jpg, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

# Output summary in console
summary <- resmush_file(c(tmp_png, tmp_jpg))
#> 🕐  Go! | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□   50% [1ms] | ETA:  0s (1/2 files)
#> 🕐  Go! | ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  100% [1.2s] | ETA:  0s (2/2 files)
#> ══ resmush summary ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>  Input: 2 files with size 340.2 Kb
#>  Success for 2 files: Size now is 153.8 Kb (was 340.2 Kb). Saved 186.4 Kb (54.79%).
#> See results in directory C:/Users/RUNNER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpoTQq78.

# Similar info in an (invisible) data frame as a result
#>                                                                       src_img
#> 1 C:\\Users\\RUNNER~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpoTQq78\\file148c1ced5a28.png
#> 2   C:\\Users\\RUNNER~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpoTQq78\\file148c14eb4b.jpg
#>                                                                              dest_img
#> 1 C:\\Users\\RUNNER~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpoTQq78\\file148c1ced5a28_resmush.png
#> 2   C:\\Users\\RUNNER~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\RtmpoTQq78\\file148c14eb4b_resmush.jpg
#>   src_size dest_size compress_ratio notes src_bytes dest_bytes
#> 1 239.9 Kb   70.7 Kb         70.54%    OK    245618      72356
#> 2 100.4 Kb   83.2 Kb         17.15%    OK    102796      85164

# Display with png
if (require("png", quietly = TRUE)) {
  my_png <- png::readPNG(summary$dest_img[1])

# With parameters
#> ══ resmush summary ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>  Input: 1 file with size 100.4 Kb
#>  Success for 1 file: Size now is 83.2 Kb (was 100.4 Kb). Saved 17.2 Kb (17.15%).
#> See result in directory C:/Users/RUNNER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpoTQq78.
resmush_file(tmp_jpg, qlty = 10)
#> ══ resmush summary ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>  Input: 1 file with size 100.4 Kb
#>  Success for 1 file: Size now is 6.4 Kb (was 100.4 Kb). Saved 94 Kb (93.61%).
#> See result in directory C:/Users/RUNNER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpoTQq78.
# }