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Database with the list of amenities available on OpenStreetMap.


A tibble with with 136 rows and fields:


The category of the amenity.


The value of the amenity.


A brief description of the type of amenity.


Data extracted on 03 April 2024.

See also

Other amenity: geo_amenity(), geo_amenity_sf()



#> # A tibble: 136 × 3
#>    category   amenity        comment                                            
#>    <chr>      <chr>          <chr>                                              
#>  1 Sustenance bar            Bar is a purpose-built commercial establishment th…
#>  2 Sustenance biergarten     Biergarten or beer garden is an open-air area wher…
#>  3 Sustenance cafe           Cafe is generally an informal place that offers ca…
#>  4 Sustenance fast_food      Fast food restaurant (see also amenity=restaurant)…
#>  5 Sustenance food_court     An area with several different restaurant food cou…
#>  6 Sustenance ice_cream      Ice cream shop or ice cream parlour. A place that …
#>  7 Sustenance pub            A place selling beer and other alcoholic drinks; m…
#>  8 Sustenance restaurant     Restaurant (not fast food, see amenity=fast_food).…
#>  9 Education  college        Campus or buildings of an institute of Further Edu…
#> 10 Education  dancing_school A dancing school or dance studio                   
#> # ℹ 126 more rows