Generates an address from a latitude and longitude. Latitudes must be
between \(\left[-90, 90 \right]\) and longitudes between
\(\left[-180, 180 \right]\). This function returns the
associated with the query, see
for retrieving the data as a spatial object
address = "address",
full_results = FALSE,
return_coords = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
nominatim_server = "",
progressbar = TRUE,
custom_query = list()
- lat
Latitude values in numeric format. Must be in the range \(\left[-90, 90 \right]\).
- long
Longitude values in numeric format. Must be in the range \(\left[-180, 180 \right]\).
- address
Address column name in the output data (default
).- full_results
Returns all available data from the API service. If
(default) only latitude, longitude and address columns are returned. See alsoreturn_addresses
.- return_coords
Return input coordinates with results if
.- verbose
then detailed logs are output to the console.- nominatim_server
The URL of the Nominatim server to use. Defaults to
.- progressbar
Logical. If
displays a progress bar to indicate the progress of the function.- custom_query
API-specific parameters to be used, passed as a named list (ie.
list(zoom = 3)
). See Details.
A tibble
with the results found by the query.
See for additional
parameters to be passed to custom_query
About Zooming
Use the option custom_query = list(zoom = 3)
to adjust the output. Some
equivalences on terms of zoom:
zoom | address_detail |
3 | country |
5 | state |
8 | county |
10 | city |
14 | suburb |
16 | major streets |
17 | major and minor streets |
18 | building |
See also
, tidygeocoder::reverse_geo()
Reverse geocoding coordinates:
# \donttest{
reverse_geo_lite(lat = 40.75728, long = -73.98586)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#> address lat lon
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Times Square, 7th Avenue, Theater District, Manhattan Community B… 40.8 -74.0
# Several coordinates
reverse_geo_lite(lat = c(40.75728, 55.95335), long = c(-73.98586, -3.188375))
| | 0%
|========================= | 50%
|==================================================| 100%
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#> address lat lon
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Times Square, 7th Avenue, Theater District, Manhattan Community … 40.8 -74.0
#> 2 Edinburgh Distance Marker, Waterloo Place, Greenside, New Town/B… 56.0 -3.19
# With options: zoom to country level
sev <- reverse_geo_lite(
lat = c(40.75728, 55.95335), long = c(-73.98586, -3.188375),
custom_query = list(zoom = 0, extratags = TRUE),
verbose = TRUE, full_results = TRUE
| | 0%
|========================= | 50%
|==================================================| 100%
#> Rows: 2
#> Columns: 52
#> $ address <chr> "United States", "United King…
#> $ lat <dbl> 39.78373, 54.70235
#> $ lon <dbl> -100.445882, -3.276575
#> $ place_id <int> 46583304, 254352942
#> $ licence <chr> "Data © OpenStreetMap contrib…
#> $ osm_type <chr> "relation", "relation"
#> $ osm_id <int> 148838, 62149
#> $ category <chr> "boundary", "boundary"
#> $ type <chr> "administrative", "administra…
#> $ place_rank <int> 4, 4
#> $ importance <dbl> 1.000000, 0.929957
#> $ addresstype <chr> "country", "country"
#> $ name <chr> "United States", "United King…
#> $ display_name <chr> "United States", "United King…
#> $ <chr> "United States", "United King…
#> $ address.country_code <chr> "us", "gb"
#> $ extratags.flag <chr> "…
#> $ extratags.sqkm <chr> "9826675", "243610"
#> $ extratags.wikidata <chr> "Q30", "Q145"
#> $ extratags.wikipedia <chr> "en:United States", "en:Unite…
#> $ extratags.check_date <chr> "2024-10-17", NA
#> $ extratags.population <chr> "331449281", "61792000"
#> $ extratags.border_type <chr> "national", NA
#> $ extratags.capital_city <chr> "Washington DC", NA
#> $ extratags.driving_side <chr> "right", "left"
#> $ extratags.linked_place <chr> "country", "country"
#> $ `` <chr> "", NA
#> $ `extratags.population:date` <chr> "2020", NA
#> $ `extratags.ISO3166-1:alpha2` <chr> "US", "GB"
#> $ `extratags.ISO3166-1:alpha3` <chr> "USA", "GBR"
#> $ extratags.default_language <chr> "en", "en"
#> $ `extratags.ISO3166-1:numeric` <chr> "840", "826"
#> $ `extratags.alt_short_name:en` <chr> "US;USA", NA
#> $ `extratags.alt_short_name:es` <chr> "EUA", NA
#> $ `extratags.alt_short_name:pl` <chr> "St. Zj.", NA
#> $ extratags.country_code_fips <chr> "US", NA
#> $ `extratags.old_short_name:ru` <chr> "САСШ", NA
#> $ extratags.short_official_name <chr> "U.S.A.", NA
#> $ `extratags.alt_official_name:en` <chr> "The United States of America…
#> $ `extratags.not:official_name:vi` <chr> "Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ;Hợp ch…
#> $ `extratags.short_official_name:en` <chr> "U.S.A.", NA
#> $ extratags.country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2 <chr> "US", NA
#> $ boundingbox <list> <-14.76084, 71.58895, -180.00…
#> $ `extratags.ref:gss` <chr> NA, "K02000001"
#> $ extratags.currency <chr> NA, "GBP"
#> $ extratags.timezone <chr> NA, "Europe/London"
#> $ extratags.native_name <chr> NA, "United Kingdom of Great …
#> $ `extratags.source:sqkm` <chr> NA, "CIA World Factbook"
#> $ `extratags.native_name:da` <chr> NA, "Det Forenede Kongerige S…
#> $ `extratags.native_name:es` <chr> NA, "Reino Unido de Gran Bret…
#> $ `extratags.native_name:vi` <chr> NA, "Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh…
#> $ `extratags.source:population` <chr> NA, "http://www.statistics.go…
# }