Celestial Data
A compilation of celestial data files
This project provides several datasets in GeoJSON and GeoPackage format of celestial objects as of J2000 epoch.
Corona Atlas
Interactive map of the international COVID-19 risk areas as designated by the German authorities.
Interactive map of the international COVID-19 risk areas as designated by the German authorities. The data is updated periodically from the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
A twitter bot written in R.
Twitter bot - random municipalities of Spain with {mapSpain} posted with {rtweet} via a GitHub Action
Plugin for Leaflet.js
Leaflet plugin for adding WMS/WMTS provided by public organisms of Spain.
COVID19 Microsite
Tracking the outbreak in Spain by region
Project discontinued
Country Codes & Organizations
A database with geocodes
Complete database of countries and territories, their different country codes under common standards (ISO-3166, GEC (Formerly FIPS), M49 (UN), STANAG (NATO), NUTS (EU), etc.) and their membership in different international organizations.
A Pebble project
Bzel intregates the bezel into your watchface. Display minutes as digits, as a moving dot or as a fill in the bezel
A Pebble project
7egment is a customizable watchface based on the classic 7-segment display that adds your location and the current weather information in the language used on your watch and smartphone.
A Pebble project
Sfera for Pebble Time Round is a highly customizable watchface that gets the most of the smartwatch capabilities. Set your preferences and enjoy this beautifully designed watchface.
TextWatch Clima
A Pebble project
TextWatch Clima upgrades the classic TextWatch watchface adding a bunch of new capabilities.