Project discontinued due to the shutdown of Pebble.
TextWatch Clima upgrades the classic TextWatch watchface adding a bunch of new capabilities.
Available for all the Classic, Time and Pebble 2 models
- Exact hour in natural language
- Autofit to screen
Take your pick
- Date format: Day Month / Month Day
- Fuzzy time option
- Animation on text
- Language
- Spanish
- English
- German (thanks to rodher)
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Norwegian
- Danish
- Swedish
- Esperanto
- Dutch
- Catalan
- More at request
- Battery bar display
- Weather: Current conditions on °c or °f.
- Night theme displayed between sunset and sunrise
- Choose your weather provider:
- Yahoo No API Key required (at this moment)
- Wunderground
- OpenWeatherMap
- Implementation of
Next developments
- Fuzzy time
- Battery
- Option for animations
- Option for non pmkey users
- More languages (Swedish, Esperanto…)
- Weather Icons by Eric Flowers, modified and fitted to regular alphabet, instead of Unicode values.
- Custom font for icons created via Fontastic.
- Gotham Fonts downloaded from
Weather providers
- Master Key is a service for Pebble users. Get a unique PIN and add API Keys for your favorite online services. Please check for more info.
- wackyneighbor project DC TextWatch Deluxe

Developed under license MIT.
Made in Madrid, Spain ❤️