Recent posts
Implementing group_by
count in Liquid
See the magic happening
This post explains implementing group_by count in Liquid for Jekyll,
addressing issues with Jekyll 4.1.0 and providing a solution.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Do you know the Bonne projection?
Do you know the Bonne
Projection? This is a very
special one, as used on whole world’s mapping produces this result. Happy
Valentine’s Day!
Optimize your images with R and
Introducing the resmush package
Compress the size of your images with R, resmush and
Celestial Data
A compilation of celestial data files
This project provides several datasets in GeoJSON and GeoPackage format of celestial objects as of J2000 epoch.
Corona Atlas
Interactive map of the international COVID-19 risk areas as designated by the German authorities.
Interactive map of the international COVID-19 risk areas as designated by the German authorities. The data is updated periodically from the website of the Robert Koch Institute.
A twitter bot written in R.
Twitter bot - random municipalities of Spain with {mapSpain} posted with {rtweet} via a GitHub Action
maps25rstats21rspatial21r_bloggers20sf12project11giscoR9ggplot28discontinued8beautiful_maps7terra6r_package5R5leaflet5function4tidyterra4flags4cartography4pebble4watchface4javascript4C4inset3mapSpain3COVID193rnaturalearth3jekyll2html2astronomy2celestial2geojson2gpkg2dataset2csv2python2liquid1chulapa1resmush1s21maptiles1ggridges1guest-author1tmap1mapsf1rasterpic1twitter1classInt1Wikipedia1svg1raster1vignette1webscrapping1json1 Mastodon Verification
I just love maps.