Authors and Citation
Diego Hernangómez. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.
Source: inst/CITATION
Hernangómez D (2025). arcgeocoder: Geocoding with the ArcGIS REST API Service. doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.arcgeocoder, https://dieghernan.github.io/arcgeocoder/.
@Manual{R-arcgeocoder, title = {{arcgeocoder}: Geocoding with the {ArcGIS} {REST} {API} Service}, doi = {10.32614/CRAN.package.arcgeocoder}, author = {Diego Hernangómez}, year = {2025}, version = {0.2.1}, url = {https://dieghernan.github.io/arcgeocoder/}, abstract = {Lite interface for finding locations of addresses or businesses around the world using the ArcGIS REST API service <https://developers.arcgis.com/rest/geocode/api-reference/overview-world-geocoding-service.htm>. Address text can be converted to location candidates and a location can be converted into an address. No API key required.}, }