Invisible link to canonical for Microformats

Frequently Asked Questions

Some additional information you may find useful

Additionally, there are some tips when using Chulapa, as well as code samples.

How do I…

…know which version of the theme I am using?

If you are on remote_theme method, go to your _config file and have a look there.

You can also check the version on any page of your site, just watch the source code and look for this tag on top of your page:

<!-- Chulapa Jekyll Theme - VERSION NUMBER HERE -->

…start with Markdown?

We’ve got you covered.

You may want to have a look to this cheatsheet and the kramdown reference, that is the default rendered on Jekyll.

Just create a file with .md extension and you are good to go!

…add my own css and js dependencies?

There are three specific files you may use for this. If you don’t have them available just create them on the specific path starting on your root:

  • ./includes/custom/custom_head.html: This file would be included on your <head> tag. You may want to add anything as additional css, js or favicons there.
  • ./includes/custom/custom_bottomscripts.html: If you need to include anything on the bottom of your <body> tag that’s the place!.
  • ./assets/css/custom.scss: Add your own css classes or modify existing ones there.

…add favicons?

A. The easy way

Just host your favicon.ico on the root of your directory.

B. The pro way

  1. Go to and follow the instructions.
  2. When you are finished, on the Favicon Generator Options choose a custom path, as https://myurl/assets/favicon/.
  3. On your repo, copy the html code on your ./includes/custom/custom_head.html
  4. Also, download the icon package and host it on your repo on ./assets/favicon/.
  5. Commit, relax and enjoy!

…add a alert box?

Short answer: Bootstrap + kramdown. This theme uses kramdown to parse your Markdown files, meaning that you would get all the benefits of Markdown plus some additional interesting options.

Coming back to the question, you can use this approach:

A simple info alert **check it out!**
{: .alert .alert-info .p-3 .mx-2 .mb-3}

A simple info alert check it out!

You can use html but it will take a little bit more of coding:

<p class="alert alert-info p-3 mx-2 mb-3">
A simple info alert with html <strong>check it out!</strong>

A simple info alert with html check it out!

…add a caption?

You can do it by using html, but in case you want to stick with Markdown/kramdown:

![example image](

This is a caption
{: .caption}

example image

This is a caption

…add a footnote?


Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1]

[^1]: This is the footnote.

Here’s a sentence with a footnote. 1

...use Chulapa font on my theme?

You can use Chulapa as a font just as you would do for any other font, since it is already installed. On your _config:

  vars  :
    $headings-font-family: chulapa,sans-serif;

This would enable it for headings, however they would be displayed as Chulapa.

You would need also to enable ligatures if you wish to have its unique look. Go to your ./assets/css/custom.scss file and add:

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
    -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";
    -moz-font-feature-settings: "liga=1, dlig=1";
    -moz-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";
    -ms-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";
    -o-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";
    font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";
    text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

Then your headings would display as Chulapa!

As you would notice, on the docs the font is used on the word Chulapa. There is a special css class named chulapa on this theme that enables that behaviour:

Cool! I would like to use it. I love Madrid indeed! There is nothing quite like a relaxing cup of café con leche in Plaza Mayor or a romantic dinner in El Madrid de los Austrias, the oldest part of Madrid.
{: .chulapa}

Cool! I would like to use it. I love Madrid indeed! There is nothing quite like a relaxing cup of café con leche in Plaza Mayor or a romantic dinner in El Madrid de los Austrias, the oldest part of Madrid.

…add a Fontawesome icon on Markdown?

<i class="fas fa-exclamation-circle"></i> You just insert the html code

You just insert the html code

…have a quick preview of a page of my site with any skin?

  1. On Google Chrome, go to your desired page.
  2. Right click and Inspect
  3. On the Panel, go to the Elements window and locate the <head> tag.
  4. Click on Edit as HTML, and just before </head>, paste this:
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[NAME OF SKIN].css">

Congratulations! You would have a quick preview of that page as it would be under the [NAME OF SKIN] desired.

…find an error on my _config file?

  1. This is the footnote.