Complete database of countries and territories, their different country codes under common standards (ISO-3166, GEC (Formerly FIPS), M49 (UN), STANAG (NATO), NUTS (EU), etc.) and their membership in different international organizations.
Note that blanks are presented as ""
instead of NA
since ISO-3166-ALPHA 2 for Namibia is NA.
A. Country Codes .csv
Main .csv
file (Link) containing:
- Country and regional codes
- Currency, dependency status ans sovereignty info
- Names in english and spanish as provided by Unicode CLDR
- Additional information (demographics, capital, area, etc.)
Codes included
Field | Description | Source | Notes |
ISO_3166_1 |
ISO 3166-1 numeric | Wikipedia | |
ISO_3166_2 |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 | Wikipedia | |
ISO_3166_3 |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 | Wikipedia | |
Geopolitical Entities and Codes (GEC) | CIA World Factbook | Formerly FIPS 1PUB 10-4 |
STANAG 1059 Country Codes | CIA World Factbook | Used by NATO |
M49 |
UN Country Code | UN Stats | |
NUTS 0 code | Wikipedia | Used by EU |
geonameId |
geonameId | geonames | |
continentcode |
geonames Continent Code | geonames | |
regioncode |
UN Regional Code | UN Stats | |
interregioncode |
Interregional Code | UN Stats | |
subregioncode |
Subregion Code | UN Stats | |
ISO_3166_3.sov |
Sovereign code | Wikipedia, Statoids | If non-independent |
Other information included
- Currency
- Dependency status
- Names in english and spanish: Country, Continents & Regions, capital
- Population, area (km2) and developed region
B. International Organizations .csv
A single .csv
file (Link) describing the membership status of each country across 186 international organizations.
Field | Description |
ISO_3166_2 |
Matches with Countrycodes .csv |
ISO_3166_3 |
Matches with Countrycodes .csv |
Matches with Countrycodes .csv |
source |
Main data source |
org_name |
Name of the organization |
org_id |
Abbreviation or internal ID |
org_member |
Membership status |
C. Full json file .json
This .json
file (Link) combines the previous files:
"ISO_3166_1": 12,
"ISO_3166_2": "DZ",
"ISO_3166_3": "DZA",
"ISO_Official": true,
"M49": 12,
"geonameId": 2589581,
"continentcode": "AF",
"regioncode": 2,
"subregioncode": 15,
"currency": "DZD",
"independent": true,
"NAME.EN": "Algeria",
"CONTINENT.EN": "Africa",
"REGION.EN": "Africa",
"SUBREGION.EN": "Northern Africa",
"CAPITAL.EN": "Algiers",
"NAME.ES": "Argelia",
"CONTINENT.ES": "Africa",
"REGION.ES": "África",
"SUBREGION.ES": "África septentrional",
"CAPITAL.ES": "Argel",
"pop": 34586184,
"area_km2": 2381740,
"Developed": "Developing",
"org_id": ["ABEDA", "ACP", "ADB", "AFDB", "AFESD", "AG", "AL",
"org_member": ["member", null, null, "member", "member", null,
A complementary function (intended to be used in R) has been developed:
ISO_memcol = function(df, #Input dataframe
orgtosearch #org id
) {
ind = match(orgtosearch, unlist(df[1, "org_id"]))
or = lapply(1:nrow(df), function(x)
unlist(df[x, "org_member"])[ind])
or = data.frame(matrix(unlist(or)), stringsAsFactors = F)
names(or) = orgtosearch
df2 =, or, stringsAsFactors = F))
D. Data sources
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The World Factbook - CIA
- United Nations Statistical Division
- geonames
- Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) Project