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Cast a line to subsegments in R

User-defined function using sf package

This post introduces a used-defined function used for casting sf objects of class LINESTRING or POLYGON into sub-strings.

Required R packages


The problem

The sfpackage includes st_cast, a very powerful function that transforms geometries into other different types of geometries (i.e. LINESTRINGto POLYGON, etc.).

italy <- ne_countries(country = "italy", returnclass = "sf")
italy_pol <- italy %>% st_cast("POLYGON")
italy_lin <- italy_pol %>% st_cast("LINESTRING")
italy_pt <- italy_lin %>% st_cast("POINT")
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), bg = NA)
plot(st_geometry(italy), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "MULTIPOLYGON")
plot(st_geometry(italy_pol), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "POLYGON")
plot(st_geometry(italy_lin), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "LINE")
plot(st_geometry(italy_pt), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "POINT")

plot of chunk 20190505_italycast

What I missed when using st_cast is the possibility to “break” the LINESTRING objects into sub-segments:

plot of chunk 20190505_italycastsub

An approach

So one possible solution could be to create LINESTRING objects for each consecutive pair of POINT objects across the original geometry. Let’s check it:

par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
test <- ne_countries(country = "spain", returnclass = "sf") %>%
  st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
plot(st_geometry(test), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "LINESTRING")

geom <- lapply(
  1:(length(st_coordinates(test)[, 1]) - 1),
  function(i) {
      as.numeric(st_coordinates(test)[i, 1:2]),
      as.numeric(st_coordinates(test)[i + 1, 1:2])
) %>%
  st_multilinestring() %>%
  st_sfc(crs = st_crs(test)) %>%
plot(st_geometry(geom), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), main = "AFTER FUNCTION")

plot of chunk 20190505_testspain

The function stdh_cast_substring

Finally, I wrapped the solution into a function and extended it a little bit:

  • When the input is not a LINESTRING or a POLYGON returns an error and stops.

  • The function accepts sf with several rows or sfc objects with several geometries, and returns the same class of input. In the case of sf objects, the input data.frame is added.

  • By default, the output is a MULTILINESTRING geometry. This has the benefit that output has the same number of geometries than the input. This can be modified setting the parameter to as LINESTRING, that in fact only casts the MULTILINESTRING object into LINESTRING.

stdh_cast_substring <- function(x, to = "MULTILINESTRING") {
  ggg <- st_geometry(x)

  if (!unique(st_geometry_type(ggg)) %in% c("POLYGON", "LINESTRING")) {
    stop("Input should be  LINESTRING or POLYGON")
  for (k in 1:length(st_geometry(ggg))) {
    sub <- ggg[k]
    geom <- lapply(
      1:(length(st_coordinates(sub)[, 1]) - 1),
      function(i) {
          as.numeric(st_coordinates(sub)[i, 1:2]),
          as.numeric(st_coordinates(sub)[i + 1, 1:2])
    ) %>%
      st_multilinestring() %>%

    if (k == 1) {
      endgeom <- geom
    else {
      endgeom <- rbind(endgeom, geom)
  endgeom <- endgeom %>% st_sfc(crs = st_crs(x))
  if (class(x)[1] == "sf") {
    endgeom <- st_set_geometry(x, endgeom)

  if (to == "LINESTRING") {
    endgeom <- endgeom %>% st_cast("LINESTRING")

The function could be improved in terms of performance. Given that it works at a coordinate level, for high-resolution objects it has some degree of delay

test100 <- ne_countries(
  continent = "south america",
  returnclass = "sf"
) %>%

test50 <- ne_countries(50,
  continent = "south america",
  returnclass = "sf"
) %>%

init <- Sys.time()
t1 <- stdh_cast_substring(test100, "LINESTRING")
end <- Sys.time()
kable(end - init, format = "markdown")
0.1729319 secs
init <- Sys.time()
t2 <- stdh_cast_substring(test50, "LINESTRING")
end <- Sys.time()
kable(end - init, format = "markdown")
2.288558 secs
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(st_geometry(test50), col = NA, bg = "#C6ECFF")
plot(st_geometry(ne_countries(50, returnclass = "sf")), col = "#F6E1B9", border = "#646464", add = T)
plot(st_geometry(test50), col = "#FEFEE9", border = "#646464", add = T)
plot(st_geometry(t2), col = c("red", "yellow", "blue"), add = T, lwd = 0.5)

plot of chunk 20190505_benchmarkfunction

It can be seen a difference in terms of performance, noting that test100 has 15 polygons decomposed in 914 sub-strings while test50 has 80 polygons to 8,414 sub-strings. In that sense, the original st_cast is much faster, although this solution may work well in most cases.

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