Sometimes you want to produce maps with special layouts. I specially like maps with modified geometries, e.g. simplifiying the original shapes to squares or dots. When doing a little search over the web I found the fantastic post Fishnets and Honeycomb: Square vs. Hexagonal Spatial Grids by Matt Strimas-Mackey that was a huge inspiration (by the way, don’t miss his blog, full of very interesting pieces of work).
The only thing I was not completely comfortable with was that the post used the old-fashioned sp
package instead of my personal fav, the sf
package, (the post was published in 2016, note that author has also moved to the sf
package since then). So I decided to explore further options with sf
The approach is similar (using grids over a map and work with that) but using st_make_grid
. I also expanded it by grouping the grids and also producing dots over the geometries. So basically I produced 5 variations of the map:
Type | Replacement | Grouped |
Fishnet | Square | No |
Puzzle | Square | Yes |
Honeycomb | Hexagon | No |
Hexbin | Hexagon | Yes |
Pixel | Dot | No |
Required R packages
Working with square grids
Let’s use the square
option of st_make_grid
and play a bit with it.
GB <- ne_download(50,
type = "map_subunits",
returnclass = "sf",
destdir = tempdir()
) %>%
subset(CONTINENT == "Europe") %>%
subset(ADM0_A3 == "GBR")
# Projecting and cleaning
GB <- st_transform(GB, 3857) %>% select(NAME_EN, ADM0_A3)
initial <- GB
initial$index_target <- 1:nrow(initial)
target <- st_geometry(initial)
# Create my own color palette
mypal <- colorRampPalette(c("#F3F8F8", "#008080"))
Warning: The cellsize
should be established in the same unit that the projection (in this case is meters). Pay special attention on this, given that if the parameter is too small (meaning that the grid is too dense) R could crash easily.
grid <- st_make_grid(target,
50 * 1000,
# Kms
crs = st_crs(initial),
what = "polygons",
square = TRUE
# To sf
grid <- st_sf(index = 1:length(lengths(grid)), grid) # Add index
# We identify the grids that belongs to a entity by assessing the centroid
cent_grid <- st_centroid(grid)
cent_merge <- st_join(cent_grid, initial["index_target"], left = F)
grid_new <- inner_join(grid, st_drop_geometry(cent_merge))
# Fishnet
Fishgeom <- aggregate(grid_new,
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = FALSE
# Lets add the df
Fishnet <- left_join(
Fishgeom %>% select(index_target),
) %>%
# Now lets create the Puzzle
Puzzlegeom <- aggregate(st_buffer(grid_new, 0.5), # Avoid slivers
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = TRUE
) # This changes!!!
Puzzle <- left_join(
Puzzlegeom %>% select(index_target),
) %>%
# Plot
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), bg = NA)
plot(st_geometry(Fishnet), col = mypal(4), main = "Fishnet")
plot(st_geometry(Puzzle), col = mypal(4), main = "Puzzle")
Going hex
Extremely easy. We just need to change the square
parameter of st_make_grid
from TRUE
grid <- st_make_grid(target,
50 * 1000, # Kms
crs = st_crs(initial),
what = "polygons",
square = FALSE # This is the only piece that changes!!!
# Make sf
grid <- st_sf(index = 1:length(lengths(grid)), grid) # Add index
# We identify the grids that belongs to a entity by assessing the centroid
cent_grid <- st_centroid(grid)
cent_merge <- st_join(cent_grid, initial["index_target"], left = F)
grid_new <- inner_join(grid, st_drop_geometry(cent_merge))
# Honeycomb
Honeygeom <- aggregate(
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = FALSE
# Lets add the df
Honeycomb <- left_join(
Honeygeom %>%
) %>%
# Now lets create the Hexbin
Hexbingeom <- aggregate(
st_buffer(grid_new, 0.5), # Avoid slivers
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = TRUE
Hexbin <- left_join(
Hexbingeom %>%
) %>%
# Plot
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), bg = NA)
plot(st_geometry(Honeycomb), col = mypal(4), main = "Honeycomb")
plot(st_geometry(Hexbin), col = mypal(4), main = "Hexbin")
Pixel it!
Also quite easy, just a couple of tweaks more, always using st_make_grid
grid <- st_make_grid(target,
50 * 1000, # Kms
crs = st_crs(initial),
what = "centers"
# Make sf
grid <- st_sf(index = 1:length(lengths(grid)), grid) # Add index
# We identify the grids that belongs to a entity by assessing the centroid
cent_grid <- st_centroid(grid)
cent_merge <- st_join(cent_grid, initial["index_target"], left = F)
grid_new <- st_buffer(cent_merge, 50 * 1000 / 2)
Pixelgeom <- aggregate(
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = FALSE
# Lets add the df
Pixel <- left_join(
Pixelgeom %>%
) %>%
# Plot
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), bg = NA)
plot(st_geometry(Pixel), col = mypal(4), main = "Pixel")
Wrap up
So finally I wrapped all that in a function (see the code in my repo), that I named stdh_gridpol
stdh_gridpol <- function(sf,
to = "fishnet",
gridsize = as.integer(
diff(st_bbox(sf)[c(1, 3)]),
diff(st_bbox(sf)[c(2, 4)])
) / 40
sliver = 0.5) {
if (!unique(st_geometry_type(sf)) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) {
stop("Input should be MULTIPOLYGON or POLYGON")
if (!to %in% c("fishnet", "puzzle", "honeycomb", "hexbin", "pixel")) {
stop("'to' should be 'fishnet','puzzle','honeycomb','hexbin' or 'pixel'")
if (class(sf)[1] == "sf") {
initial <- sf
initial$index_target <- 1:nrow(initial)
} else {
initial <- st_sf(index_target = 1:length(sf), geom = sf)
target <- st_geometry(initial)
if (to %in% c("fishnet", "puzzle")) {
sq <- T
} else {
sq <- F
if (to == "pixel") {
grid <- st_make_grid(target,
crs = st_crs(initial),
what = "centers"
} else {
grid <- st_make_grid(
crs = st_crs(initial),
what = "polygons",
square = sq
grid <- st_sf(index = 1:length(lengths(grid)), grid) # Add index
if (to == "pixel") {
cent_merge <- st_join(grid, initial["index_target"], left = F)
grid_new <- st_buffer(cent_merge, gridsize / 2)
} else {
cent_grid <- st_centroid(grid)
cent_merge <- st_join(cent_grid, initial["index_target"], left = F)
grid_new <- inner_join(grid, st_drop_geometry(cent_merge))
if (to %in% c("fishnet", "honeycomb", "pixel")) {
geom <- aggregate(
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = FALSE
} else {
geom <- aggregate(
st_buffer(grid_new, sliver),
by = list(grid_new$index_target),
FUN = min,
do_union = TRUE
if (class(initial)[1] == "sf") {
fin <- left_join(
geom %>% select(index_target),
) %>%
fin <- st_cast(fin, "MULTIPOLYGON")
} else {
fin <- st_cast(geom, "MULTIPOLYGON")
# End of the function-----
fish <- stdh_gridpol(GB, to = "fishnet", gridsize = 50 * 1000)
puzz <- stdh_gridpol(GB, to = "puzzle", gridsize = 50 * 1000)
hon <- stdh_gridpol(GB, to = "honeycomb", gridsize = 50 * 1000)
hex <- stdh_gridpol(GB, to = "hexbin", gridsize = 50 * 1000)
pix <- stdh_gridpol(GB, to = "pixel", gridsize = 50 * 1000)
And that’s it! The function stdh_gridpol
has some alert mechanisms, as accepting only POLYGON
, and the default value of gridsize
is computed in a way that the shortest dimension would have 40 cells.