Geocoding using the ArcGIS REST API with multi-field query
Geocodes addresses given specific address components.This function returns
the tibble
associated with the query.
For geocoding using a single text string use arc_geo()
address = NULL,
address2 = NULL,
address3 = NULL,
neighborhood = NULL,
city = NULL,
subregion = NULL,
region = NULL,
postal = NULL,
postalext = NULL,
countrycode = NULL,
lat = "lat",
long = "lon",
limit = 1,
full_results = FALSE,
return_addresses = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
progressbar = TRUE,
outsr = NULL,
langcode = NULL,
category = NULL,
custom_query = list()
- address, address2, address3, neighborhood, city, subregion
Address components (See Details).
- region, postal, postalext, countrycode
More address components, see (See Details).
- lat
latitude column name in the output data (default
).- long
longitude column name in the output data (default
).- limit
maximum number of results to return per input address. Note that each query returns a maximum of 50 results.
- full_results
returns all available data from the API service. This is a shorthand of
. See References. IfFALSE
(default) only the default values of the API would be returned. See alsoreturn_addresses
argument.- return_addresses
return input addresses with results if
.- verbose
then detailed logs are output to the console.- progressbar
Logical. If
displays a progress bar to indicate the progress of the function.- outsr
The spatial reference of the
coordinates returned by a geocode request. By default isNULL
(i.e. the parameter won't be used in the query). See Details and arc_spatial_references.- langcode
Sets the language in which reverse-geocoded addresses are returned.
- category
A place or address type that can be used to filter results. Several values can be used as well as a vector (i.e.
c("Cinema", "Museum")
). See arc_categories for details.- custom_query
API-specific parameters to be used, passed as a named list.
A tibble
object with the results. See the details of the output in ArcGIS REST API Service output.
The resulting output would include also the input parameters (columns with
prefix q_
) for better tracking the results.
More info and valid values in the ArcGIS REST docs.
Address components
This function allows to perform structured queries by different components of
an address. At least one field should be different than NA
A vector of values can be provided for each parameter for multiple geocoding. When using vectors on different parameters, their lengths should be the same.
The following list provides a brief description of each parameter:
: A string that represents the first line of a street address. In most cases it will be the street name and house number input, but it can also be used to input building name or place-name.address2
: A string that represents the second line of a street address. This can include street name/house number, building name, place-name, or sub unit.address3
: A string that represents the third line of a street address. This can include street name/house number, building name, place-name, or sub unit.neighborhood
: The smallest administrative division associated with an address, typically, a neighborhood or a section of a larger populated place.city
: The next largest administrative division associated with an address, typically, a city or municipality.subregion
: The next largest administrative division associated with an address. Depending on the country, a sub region can represent a county, state, or province.region
: The largest administrative division associated with an address, typically, a state or province.postal
: The standard postal code for an address, typically, a three– to six-digit alphanumeric code.postalext
: A postal code extension, such as the United States Postal Service ZIP+4 code.countrycode
: A value representing the country. Providing this value increases geocoding speed. Acceptable values include the full country name in English or the official language of the country, the two-character country code, or the three-character country code.
The spatial reference can be specified as either a well-known ID (WKID). If not specified, the spatial reference of the output locations is the same as that of the service ( WGS84, i.e. WKID = 4326)).
See arc_spatial_references for values and examples.
See also
Other functions for geocoding:
# \donttest{
simple <- arc_geo_multi(
address = "Plaza Mayor", limit = 10,
custom_query = list(outFields = c("LongLabel", "CntryName", "Region"))
simple %>%
select(lat, lon, CntryName, Region, LongLabel) %>%
slice_head(n = 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#> lat lon CntryName Region LongLabel
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 41.7 -4.73 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Valladolid, Castilla y …
#> 2 39.5 -6.37 España Extremadura Plaza Mayor, Cáceres, Extremadura, E…
#> 3 21.2 -102. México Guanajuato Plaza Mayor, León, Guanajuato, MEX
#> 4 36.7 -4.48 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Calle Alfonso Ponce de …
#> 5 6.24 -75.6 Colombia Antioquia Plaza Mayor, Carrera 55, Calle Nueva…
#> 6 5.63 -73.5 Colombia Boyacá Plaza Mayor, Carrera 10, Villa de Le…
#> 7 21.8 -80.0 Cuba Sancti Spíritus Plaza Mayor, Trinidad, Sancti Spírit…
#> 8 38.2 -3.77 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Plaza Constitución, 237…
#> 9 37.1 -5.89 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Carrer Cortijo Maribáñe…
#> 10 37.4 -5.99 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Encarnación…
# Restrict search to Spain
simple2 <- arc_geo_multi(
address = "Plaza Mayor", countrycode = "ESP",
limit = 10,
custom_query = list(outFields = c("LongLabel", "CntryName", "Region"))
simple2 %>%
select(lat, lon, CntryName, Region, LongLabel) %>%
slice_head(n = 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#> lat lon CntryName Region LongLabel
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 41.7 -4.73 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Valladolid, Castilla y L…
#> 2 39.5 -6.37 España Extremadura Plaza Mayor, Cáceres, Extremadura, ESP
#> 3 36.7 -4.48 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Calle Alfonso Ponce de L…
#> 4 38.2 -3.77 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Plaza Constitución, 2371…
#> 5 37.1 -5.89 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Carrer Cortijo Maribáñez…
#> 6 37.4 -5.99 España Andalucía Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Encarnación,…
#> 7 42.4 0.139 España Aragón Plaza Mayor, 22330, Aínsa-Sobrarbe, H…
#> 8 42.0 0.258 España Aragón Plaza Mayor, 22422, Fonz, Huesca, Ara…
#> 9 42.5 0.135 España Aragón Plaza Mayor, 22360, Labuerda, Huesca,…
#> 10 40.4 -1.44 España Aragón Plaza Mayor, 44100, Albarracín, Terue…
# Restrict to a region
simple3 <- arc_geo_multi(
address = "Plaza Mayor", region = "Segovia",
countrycode = "ESP",
limit = 10,
custom_query = list(outFields = c("LongLabel", "CntryName", "Region"))
simple3 %>%
select(lat, lon, CntryName, Region, LongLabel) %>%
slice_head(n = 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#> lat lon CntryName Region LongLabel
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 41.4 -4.31 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Calle del Colegio 4, 4020…
#> 2 40.9 -4.35 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40142, Lastras del Pozo, …
#> 3 41.1 -3.81 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Pedraza, Segovia, Castill…
#> 4 41.3 -3.34 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Travesía Mayor 1, 40510, …
#> 5 41.0 -4.12 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, Calle del Cronista Lecea …
#> 6 41.1 -4.65 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40467, Tolocirio, Segovia…
#> 7 40.9 -4.27 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40141, Abades, Segovia, C…
#> 8 41.4 -4.11 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40354, Adrados, Segovia, …
#> 9 41.2 -4.17 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40292, Aldea Real, Segovi…
#> 10 41.5 -3.47 España Castilla y León Plaza Mayor, 40555, Aldealengua de San…
# }