Hillshade, colors and marginal plots with tidyterra (II) The rain in Spain does not stay mainly in the plainAdd marginal plots to a SpatRaster map on ggplot2
Hillshade, colors and marginal plots with tidyterra (I) How to overlay SpatRastersUsing shadow effects on relief mappings is a very common technique, that allows to produce informative yet beautiful maps.
Introducing tidyterra Easily work and ggplot SpatRasterstidyterra provides tidyverse methods for terra objects and geom functions for plotting with ggplot2.
Unknown pleasures with R Joyplot elevation maps with ggridges and terraCreate ridgelines (AKA joyplots) of territories using elevation data with R, sf, terra and ggridges.
Corona timelapse Travel restrictions amidst the COVID crisis across time - A German perspective Project discontinued