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Please cite tidyterra as:

Hernangómez, D., (2023). Using the tidyverse with terra objects: the tidyterra package. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(91), 5751,

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:

  doi = {10.21105/joss.05751},
  url = {},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {The Open Journal},
  volume = {8},
  number = {91},
  pages = {5751},
  author = {Diego Hernangómez},
  title = {Using the {tidyverse} with {terra} objects: the {tidyterra} package},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}

tidyterra package has been used in the following publications1.


Bahlburg, D., Hüppe, L., Böhrer, T., Thorpe, S. E., Murphy, E. J., Berger, U., & Meyer, B. (2023). Plasticity and seasonality of the vertical migration behaviour of Antarctic krill using acoustic data from fishing vessels. Royal Society Open Science, 10(9), 230520.
Bahlburg, D., Thorpe, S. E., Meyer, B., Berger, U., & Murphy, E. J. (2023). An intercomparison of models predicting growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): The importance of recognizing model specificity. PLOS ONE, 18(7), 1–29.
Bantelmann, P., Wyss, D., Pius, E. T., & Kappas, M. (2024). Spectral imaging of grass species in arid ecosystems of Namibia. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5.
Bibard, A., Martinetti, D., Giraud, A., Picado, A., Chalvet-Monfray, K., & Porphyre, T. (n.d.). Quantitative risk assessment for the introduction of bluetongue virus into mainland Europe by long-distance wind dispersal of Culicoides spp.: A case study from Sardinia. Risk Analysis.
Chavez, M. (2023). Sonoran Desert ex situ conservation gap analysis: Charting the path toward conservation. [PhD thesis, Queen Mary, University of London].
Cidre-González, A., Rivas, C. A., & Navarro-Cerrillo, R. M. (2024). Fragmentation and connectivity in dehesa ecosystems associated with Cerambyx spp. Dispersion and control: A Graph-Theory approach. Forests, 15(4).
Crowson, M., Williams, J., Sharma, J., & Pettorelli, N. (2024). Challenges for monitoring artificial turf expansion with satellite remote sensing. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(6), 580.
Di Fabio, A., Buttò, V., Chakraborty, D., O’Neill, G. A., Schueler, S., & Kreyling, J. (2024). Climatic conditions at provenance origin influence growth stability to changes in climate in two major tree species. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7.
Gibson, M. P., McNichols-O’Rourke, K. A., & Morris, T. J. (2023). Targeted sampling of Toxolasma parvum (Lilliput) in southwestern Ontario, 2022. Ontario; Prairie Region, Fisheries; Oceans Canada, Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries; Aquatic Sciences.
Kempf, M. (2024). A dataset to model Levantine landcover and land-use change connected to climate change, the Arab Spring and COVID-19. Data in Brief, 53, 110198.
Lacko, J. (2023). RCzechia: Spatial objects of the Czech Republic. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(83), 5082.
Leonardi, M., Colucci, M., & Manica, A. (2023). tidysdm: Leveraging the flexibility of tidymodels for species distribution modelling in R. bioRxiv.
Luković, J., Burić, D., Mihajlović, J., & Pejović, M. (2024). Spatial and temporal variations of aridity-humidity indices in Montenegro. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
MacLennan-Nobrega, E., Lu, A., Gibson, M., McNichols-O’Rourke, K. A., & Morris, T. J. (2024). 2022 freshwater mussel timed-search surveys in the Sydenham River watershed, Ontario. Ontario; Prairie Region, Fisheries; Oceans Canada, Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries; Aquatic Sciences.
Marcantonio, M., Thouverau, E., & Rocchini, D. (2024). The rasterdiv package for measuring diversity from space. bioRxiv.
Meister, N., Langbehn, T. J., Varpe, Ø., & Jørgensen, C. (2023). Blue mussels in western Norway have vanished where in reach of crawling predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 721, 85–101.
Mohammed, I. (2024). NASAaccess: Downloading and reformatting tool for NASA Earth Observation Data products. National Aeronautics; Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center.
Moraga, P. (2023). Spatial statistics for data science: Theory and practice with R (1st ed.). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Mrázek, I. (2024). Drahé kameny Anatolie, Dodekan a Kypru ve starověku (Gemstones of ancient Anatolia, the Dodecanese and Cyprus). Masarykova univerzita.
Nityagovsky, N. N., Ananev, A. A., Suprun, A. R., Ogneva, Z. V., Dneprovskaya, A. A., Tyunin, A. P., Dubrovina, A. S., Kiselev, K. V., Sanina, N. M., & Aleynova, O. A. (2024). Distribution of Plasmopara viticola causing downy mildew in Russian far east grapevines. Horticulturae, 10(4).
Patrissi, M., Bernard, I., Hugo, F., Limonet, J., Violette, H., Sanchez, F., Caill-Milly, N., Bouvier, C., Lapègue, S., Holley, J.-F., & Lagarde, F. (2023). Projet PALTEVA: Diagnostic de l’état de la population de palourdes européennes (Ruditapes decussatus) dans la lagune de Thau. Suivi 2023, 47.
Pawley, S. M., Atkinson, L., Utting, D. J., Hartman, G. M. D., & Atkinson, N. (2024). Evaluating spatially enabled machine learning approaches to depth to bedrock mapping, Alberta, Canada. PLOS ONE, 19(3), 1–26.
Pilat, H. (2024). A two-eyed seeing approach to predicting the distribution of skwenkwínem (Claytonia lanceolata), a culturally significant plant [PhD thesis, University of British Columbia].
Pöyhönen, V., Thomisch, K., Kovacs, K. M., Lydersen, C., & Ahonen, H. (2024). High Arctic "hotspots" for sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off western and northern Svalbard, Norway, revealed by multi-year Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM). Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5825.
Turner, J. A., Starkey, M., Dulvy, N. K., Hawkins, F., Mair, L., Serckx, A., Brooks, T., Polidoro, B., Butchart, S. H. M., Carpenter, K., Epps, M., Jabado, R. W., Macfarlane, N. B. W., & Bennun, L. (2024). Targeting ocean conservation outcomes through threat reduction. Npj Ocean Sustainability, 3(1), 4.
van Oort, P. A. J., Verhagen, A., & van der Werf, A. K. (2023). Can seaweeds feed the world? Modelling world offshore seaweed production potential. Ecological Modelling, 484, 110486.
Williams, J., Sandom, C. J., & Pettorelli, N. (2024). Active management is required to regenerate the Caledonian forest: Alladale as a case study. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5(1), e12315.