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Most data operations are done on groups defined by variables. group_by.SpatVector() adds new attributes to an existing SpatVector indicating the corresponding groups. See Methods.


# S3 method for class 'SpatVector'
group_by(.data, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = group_by_drop_default(.data))

# S3 method for class 'SpatVector'
ungroup(x, ...)


.data, x

A SpatVector object. See Methods.


In group_by(), variables or computations to group by. Computations are always done on the ungrouped data frame. To perform computations on the grouped data, you need to use a separate mutate() step before the group_by(). Computations are not allowed in nest_by(). In ungroup(), variables to remove from the grouping.


When FALSE, the default, group_by() will override existing groups. To add to the existing groups, use .add = TRUE.

This argument was previously called add, but that prevented creating a new grouping variable called add, and conflicts with our naming conventions.


Drop groups formed by factor levels that don't appear in the data? The default is TRUE except when .data has been previously grouped with .drop = FALSE. See group_by_drop_default() for details.


A SpatVector object with an additional attribute.


See Details on dplyr::group_by().


Implementation of the generic dplyr::group_by() family functions for SpatVector objects.

When mixing terra and dplyr syntax on a grouped SpatVector (i.e, subsetting a SpatVector like v[1:3,1:2]) the groups attribute can be corrupted. tidyterra would try to re-group the SpatVector. This would be triggered the next time you use a dplyr verb on your SpatVector.

Note also that some operations (as terra::spatSample()) would create a new SpatVector. In these cases, the result won't preserve the groups attribute. Use group_by() to re-group.


# \donttest{

f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package = "terra")
p <- vect(f)

by_name1 <- p %>% group_by(NAME_1)

# grouping doesn't change how the SpatVector looks
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 12, 6  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  source      : lux.shp
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       :  ID_1   NAME_1  ID_2   NAME_2  AREA   POP
#>  type        : <num>    <chr> <num>    <chr> <num> <int>
#>  values      :     1 Diekirch     1 Clervaux   312 18081
#>                    1 Diekirch     2 Diekirch   218 32543
#>                    1 Diekirch     3  Redange   259 18664

# But add metadata for grouping: See the coercion to tibble

# Not grouped
p_tbl <- as_tibble(p)
#> [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
head(p_tbl, 3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>    ID_1 NAME_1    ID_2 NAME_2    AREA   POP
#>   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <int>
#> 1     1 Diekirch     1 Clervaux   312 18081
#> 2     1 Diekirch     2 Diekirch   218 32543
#> 3     1 Diekirch     3 Redange    259 18664

# Grouped
by_name1_tbl <- as_tibble(by_name1)
#> [1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
head(by_name1_tbl, 3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#> # Groups:   NAME_1 [1]
#>    ID_1 NAME_1    ID_2 NAME_2    AREA   POP
#>   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <int>
#> 1     1 Diekirch     1 Clervaux   312 18081
#> 2     1 Diekirch     2 Diekirch   218 32543
#> 3     1 Diekirch     3 Redange    259 18664

# It changes how it acts with the other dplyr verbs:
by_name1 %>% summarise(
  pop = mean(POP),
  area = sum(AREA)
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 3, 3  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       :       NAME_1       pop  area
#>  type        :        <chr>     <num> <num>
#>  values      :     Diekirch 1.824e+04  1128
#>                Grevenmacher  2.37e+04   527
#>                  Luxembourg 1.099e+05   906

# Each call to summarise() removes a layer of grouping
by_name2_name1 <- p %>% group_by(NAME_2, NAME_1)

#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 12, 6  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  source      : lux.shp
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       :  ID_1   NAME_1  ID_2   NAME_2  AREA   POP
#>  type        : <num>    <chr> <num>    <chr> <num> <int>
#>  values      :     1 Diekirch     1 Clervaux   312 18081
#>                    1 Diekirch     2 Diekirch   218 32543
#>                    1 Diekirch     3  Redange   259 18664
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    NAME_2           NAME_1             .rows
#>    <chr>            <chr>        <list<int>>
#>  1 Capellen         Luxembourg           [1]
#>  2 Clervaux         Diekirch             [1]
#>  3 Diekirch         Diekirch             [1]
#>  4 Echternach       Grevenmacher         [1]
#>  5 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg           [1]
#>  6 Grevenmacher     Grevenmacher         [1]
#>  7 Luxembourg       Luxembourg           [1]
#>  8 Mersch           Luxembourg           [1]
#>  9 Redange          Diekirch             [1]
#> 10 Remich           Grevenmacher         [1]
#> 11 Vianden          Diekirch             [1]
#> 12 Wiltz            Diekirch             [1]

by_name2 <- by_name2_name1 %>% summarise(n = dplyr::n())
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 12, 3  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       :   NAME_2     NAME_1     n
#>  type        :    <chr>      <chr> <int>
#>  values      : Capellen Luxembourg     1
#>                Clervaux   Diekirch     1
#>                Diekirch   Diekirch     1
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    NAME_2                 .rows
#>    <chr>            <list<int>>
#>  1 Capellen                 [1]
#>  2 Clervaux                 [1]
#>  3 Diekirch                 [1]
#>  4 Echternach               [1]
#>  5 Esch-sur-Alzette         [1]
#>  6 Grevenmacher             [1]
#>  7 Luxembourg               [1]
#>  8 Mersch                   [1]
#>  9 Redange                  [1]
#> 10 Remich                   [1]
#> 11 Vianden                  [1]
#> 12 Wiltz                    [1]

# To removing grouping, use ungroup
by_name2 %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  summarise(n = sum(n))
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 1, 1  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       :     n
#>  type        : <int>
#>  values      :    12

# By default, group_by() overrides existing grouping
by_name2_name1 %>%
  group_by(ID_1, ID_2) %>%
#> [1] "ID_1" "ID_2"

# Use add = TRUE to instead append
by_name2_name1 %>%
  group_by(ID_1, ID_2, .add = TRUE) %>%
#> [1] "NAME_2" "NAME_1" "ID_1"   "ID_2"  

# You can group by expressions: this is a short-hand
# for a mutate() followed by a group_by()
p %>%
  group_by(ID_COMB = ID_1 * 100 / ID_2) %>%
  relocate(ID_COMB, .before = 1)
#>  class       : SpatVector 
#>  geometry    : polygons 
#>  dimensions  : 12, 7  (geometries, attributes)
#>  extent      : 5.74414, 6.528252, 49.44781, 50.18162  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#>  source      : lux.shp
#>  coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#>  names       : ID_COMB  ID_1   NAME_1  ID_2   NAME_2  AREA   POP
#>  type        :   <num> <num>    <chr> <num>    <chr> <num> <int>
#>  values      :     100     1 Diekirch     1 Clervaux   312 18081
#>                     50     1 Diekirch     2 Diekirch   218 32543
#>                  33.33     1 Diekirch     3  Redange   259 18664
# }