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pull() is similar to $ on a data frame. It's mostly useful because it looks a little nicer in pipes and it can optionally name the output.

It is possible to extract the geographic coordinates of a SpatRaster. You need to use pull(.data, x, xy = TRUE). x and y are reserved names on terra, since they refer to the geographic coordinates of the layer.

See Examples and section About layer names on as_tibble.Spat().


# S3 method for class 'SpatRaster'
pull(.data, var = -1, name = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'SpatVector'
pull(.data, var = -1, name = NULL, ...)



A SpatRaster created with terra::rast() or a SpatVector created with terra::vect().


A variable specified as:

  • a literal layer/attribute name.

  • a positive integer, giving the position counting from the left.

  • a negative integer, giving the position counting from the right.

The default returns the last layer/attribute (on the assumption that's the column you've created most recently).


An optional parameter that specifies the column to be used as names for a named vector. Specified in a similar manner as var.


Arguments passed on to as_tibble.Spat()


A vector the same number of cells/geometries as .data.

On SpatRaster objects, note that the default (na.rm = FALSE) would remove empty cells, so you may need to pass (na.rm = FALSE) to .... See

terra equivalent



Implementation of the generic dplyr::pull() function. This is done by coercing the Spat* object to a tibble first (see as_tibble.Spat) and then using dplyr::pull() method over the tibble.


When passing option na.rm = TRUE to ..., only cells with a value distinct to NA are extracted. See

If xy = TRUE option is passed to ..., two columns names x and y (corresponding to the geographic coordinates of each cell) are available in position 1 and 2. Hence, pull(.data, 1) and pull(.data, 1, xy = TRUE) return different result.


When passing geom = "WKT"/geom = "HEX" to ..., the geometry of the SpatVector can be pulled passing var = geometry. Similarly to SpatRaster method, when using geom = "XY" the x,y coordinates can be pulled with var = x/var = y. See options.


f <- system.file("extdata/cyl_tile.tif", package = "tidyterra")
r <- rast(f)

# Extract second layer
r %>%
  pull(2) %>%
#> [1] 229 235 229 229 239 153

# With xy the first two cols are `x` (longitude) and `y` (latitude)

r %>%
  pull(2, xy = TRUE) %>%
#> [1] 5370160 5370160 5370160 5370160 5370160 5370160

# With renaming

r %>%
  mutate(cat = cut(cyl_tile_3, c(0, 100, 300))) %>%
  pull(cyl_tile_3, name = cat) %>%
#> (100,300] (100,300] (100,300] (100,300] (100,300] (100,300] 
#>       206       224       206       206       233       169